Leah & Dave Bok Tower Gardens Engagement

June 08, 2016  •  1 Comment

Leah & Dave Bok Tower Engagement 

It's not everyday when your friend gets engaged and she asks you to be her photographer.  It is a great honor for me.  She has seen tons of the wedding and engagement photos I did.  It wasn't by choice of course.  I have always been very passionate about my work that I made it a point to show her.  I can't wait for her big day on March 11, 2017.

So we have been planning and waiting for the right time to do the engagement session and decided to drive out to Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales from Orlando, Florida.  I have shot engagement sessions there before so I am familiar with the beautiful place.  I can never get tired of this place.  There is always something new every time I go back.  This was the perfect place for Leah and Dave.  They were looking for woods, wild flowers, and nature. I would have kept on shooting if it hadn't started raining...Florida weather for ya...

Here are a few photos from the session


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Sue Williams(non-registered)
All I see is Love! Each pic I saw I thought was my favorite until I looked at the next and the next and the next!
Cherished memories. XOXO
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